Semarang | (10/12/2019) The inauguration of the Dean of FE and Fikkes Unimus for the 2019-2023 period was held in NRC Hall 4th Floor and attended by Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. accompanied by the Board of Daily Advisors of Unimus (BPH), H. Widadi, SH., and witnessed by Vice Rectors and Board of Executives in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. Both inaugurated Deans passed the fit and proper test conducted by the accountable selection in each faculty. They are, Dr. Haerudin, M.T. as the Dean of FE and Dr. Ali Rosidi, M.Si. as the Dean of FIKKES.
Rector of Unimus said that Unimus needs to have a well preparation to encounter disruption era, where technology information development is rapidly changing. “Graduating from particular university doesn’t give any guarantee for someone to get good job, a title doesn’t also show someone’s competency, and accreditation will not always promise any quality. However, we have to get ready to welcome these changes by increasing our standards and quality. As good lecturers, let us prepare our students to face this rapid technology development and encourage them to be more adaptive in this real world.” He explained.