Semarang │(22/04/2017) Diploma III Degree in Nursing, Undergraduate Degree in Nursing and Nurse Professional Program of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held an International Scientific Meeting, located in the NRC Building. Entitled “Improving Health Care Quality Through The Implementation of Innovative Health Research”, four guest speakers from three countries were invited to give materials such as Dr. Valentino Baac (Former Vice President for Academic Affairs, Emilio Aguinaldo College, Philippines), Dr. Yektiningtyastuti, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat. from the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti), Dr. Sri Rejeki., M.Kep., Sp.Mat. (Central Java Area Head of the Maternity Nurses Association of Indonesia (IPEMI) and the Vice Rector 1 of Unimus) and Tech Emad Mousay Mohammed (Head of Medical Radiology and Pharmacy Department, Libya). The event aimed at enhancing the understanding and ability of lecturers, nurses and students in conducting research.
The event was officially opened by Dr. Budi Santosa, S.K.M., M.Si.Med., Dean of Unimus’ Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences. He stated in his speech that the International Scientific Meeting was expected to give benefit for all of the participants in order to improve their qualities in accordance with nursing field. “It is hoped that by attending the International Scientific Meeting our insights can be more open, not only local-minded but also international-minded. This meeting will also improve the nursing qualifications, competence and professionalism” stated the Dean.
The event was divided into two sessions. In Session 1, Dr. Valentino Baac delivered a material entitled “Defining research problem and creating the innovative research design”; meanwhile, Dr. Yektiningtyastuti, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat. gave a material entitled “Moving on up: the strategy to implement innovative research, choosing the right research design and trouble shoting guidance in health research”. The first speaker explained various research methods; meanwhile the second speaker told how to choose the right research designs and about the differences between nursing research and research in nursing, evidence based practice and quality improvement. The moderator was Ns. Nuri Sukraini., MNS in the first season that of the first session was ended at 12 p.m.. The participants were actively asking, especially around what research methods considered correct and tips on succeeding a research. The speakers in the second session were Dr. Sri Rejeki., M.Kep., Sp.Mat. with a material entitled “urgency nursing and midwefery research in improving the quality of health services” and Tech Emad Mousay Mohammed., M.Pd, delivering a material entitled “Urgency of Islamic medication research in improving the quality of heatlh services”. Becoming the moderator of the session was Ns. Chanif., MNS.
The participants of the International Scientific Meeting consisted of lecturers, nurses, students and alumni of Unimus (125 participants in total). In spite of using English to communicate in the seminar, all of the participants were enthusiastic and actively asking. The event was ended at 2.30 p.m with certificate and souvenir handover to the speakers and doorprice and certificate handover to the participants. At the end, it is hoped that events like this will be continually held in accordance with the development of science and academic atmosphere at Unimus.
Reported by the Technical Unit & Protocol