Semarang │Unimus (January 8, 2018) International Relations Office (IRO) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held the International Mobility Video Competition Awards to facilitate the documentation of each international mobility event or overseas trip done lecturer(s) and/or student(s) at Unimus. It was also to facilitate all overseas academic activities that had been well documented. The purpose was that the videos could become references and learning sources.

“We make this video competition breakthrough to make every overseas trip become more useful, not only for the staff or students that have taken the program but also all of the academicians,” stated Muhammad Yusuf, Ph.D., the Director of the IRO. “The lecturers and students have given positive responses by submitting their best works,” he added. The Award Ceremony was held for the winners of the international mobility video competition, which was taking place in the park of Unimus in front of Dr. Ir. Sri Puryono KS, the Regional Secretary of Central Java Province, Drs. Widadi, S.H., the Head of Unimus Daily Advisory Board, as well as the senior leaders and academicians of Unimus.

The certificates and trophies were given to Dr. Norma Stalis Ethica from Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program, for being the first winner with her video of the International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, taken in Rome, Italy. The second winners were Ns. Mahmudah,M.Kep, Sp.Mat. dan Ns.Tri Nurhidayati, M.Med.Ed. from Nursing Study Program for a video entitled “Introduction of Chinese Medicine and Crossculture Bioetic in NCKU Taiwan”. Meanwhile, the third winners went to Sufiati Bintanah, S.K.M., M.Kes. and Hapsari Sulistya, M.Si. for a video of their activity in the 17th Global Dieticians and Nutritionist Annual Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
As for the category of the international student mobility video competition, the first winner went to a team from Medical Laboratory Technology that consisted of 8 students for their video entitled “International Visit Program at Dongseo Korea”. The second winner went to a team of 11 students (Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Diploma IV Program in Medical Laboratory Technology) for their video entitled “International Visit Program at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand”. Meanwhile the third winner went to a team of 11 students from the Faculty of Dentistry for a video entitled “International Visit Program at University of Malaya, Malaysia”. And, the four, fifth, and sixth winners respectively went to 14 students of the Faculty of Economics for the Internship Program and Comunity Service in Malaysia”, students of the Food Technology Study Program for the JENESYS (Japan East Asia of Exchange for student and Youths) program organized by JICE (Japan International Cooperation Center), and 3 students of Diploma III in Midwifery, Undergraduate Program in Nursing, and Program of Nursing Profession for a video entitled “Nursing and Midwifery goes to Taiwan”.
Nowadays, Unimus has established cooperation with 130 foreign higher education institutions. Thus, the lecturers, administrative staff as well as students have changes to take part in international activities. Various international activities have been done as efforts to implement the credo ““Unimus towards an excellent quality” and one of the institution’s vision, which is to have international insight.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations