Kualalumpur | (06/12/2019) Students and lecturers of Undergraduate Program of Nutrition in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) gained best research award in International Conference of Food and Nutrition Science (ICFNS) held in Management and Science University Malaysia (MSU) on 5-6 December 2019. This achievement was gained by Afifa Meliani (5th semester) and Rr. Annisa Ayuningtyas, M.Gizi (lecturer) won Best International Research Award (as Best Presenter). They competed with many other international articles accepted by research committee of ICFNS. Afiva Meilani gained her best presenter award by presenting her article entitled “Effectiveness between Giving Sweet Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola), Tomato Juice (Solanumly copersicum) and Iron Tablets to Increase Hemoglobin Levels”. While Rr. Annisa Ayuningtyas, S.Gz., M.Gizi. presented her article entitled “The Potential of Whiteleg Shrimp Shell on Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Diabetic Rats: A Preclinical Study”

Director of International Relation Office (IRO) Muhammad Yusuf, PhD who joined in the conference stated that Unimus is the first Co-Organizer and founder ICFSN – ICeHeSTech 2018. In the 2nd ICFSN held by MSU, Unimus sent 20 delegation from the Undergraduate Program of Food Technology and Nutrition. Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.P.d. really expressed his appreciation for any achievements of lecturers and students of Fikkes Unimus.


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