Kualalumpur, Malaysia | Two lecturers from Statistics Department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) participated in International Seminar on Mathematics in Industry & International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Statistics 2018 (ISMI-ICTAS 2018). Unimus was the only one private university joined this event that was held from 4-6 September 2018 in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). This event was conducted in Dewan Seminar Menara Razak Kampus Kualalumpur, Malaysia.
Abdul Karim, M.Si took picture with invited speaker from ITS, Prof. Dr. Nur Iriawan
ISMI-ICTAS 2018 that was held as collaboration between UTM, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS), and Oxford University London. Presenting Prof. Dr. Peter Grinrod CBE from Oxford-Emirates Data Science Lab Mathematical Institute University of Oxford as the Keynote Speaker, this seminar was such great event. It was also supported by any other invited speakers such as Dr. Arifah Bahar from UTM, Prof. Dr. Mohd Salmi MD Noorani FASc (Profesor of Mathematicsal Science Faculty of Science & Technology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), Dr. Dzaharudin Mansor (National Technology Officer Microsft Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Ir. Chan Tuck Leong (Head of Project Steering Digital Accelerator Petronas), Prof. Dr. Nur Iriawan (Professor of Statistics Department of Statistics Faculty of Mathematics, Computation & Data Sciences ITS, Indonesia).Left to right: Akhmad Fathurohman, M.Kom, Dr.rer.pol Dedy Dwi Prastyo from ITS, M.Si Abdul Karim, M.Si (team of collaborative research)
Abdul Karim and team presented outstanding research article entitled “The Role of Transportation Infrastucture in Central Java Indonesia Regional Economic Growth; A Spatial Durbin Model Approach”. It was the result of collaborative research between Unimus lecturer (Abdul Karim, M.Si and Akhmad Fathurohman, M.Kom) and lecturer of Institut Teknologi Sepulun Nopember Surabaya (Dr. Suhartono, M.Sc and Dr.rer.pol Dedy Dwi Prastyo, M.Si). This research granted funding research from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education year 2018.
Akhmad Fathurohman, M.Kom accepted certificate upon presenting the research article in ISMI-ICTAS2018 from Dr. Ali Hasan Mohammed Murid (UTM)
This international seminar was also joined by participants from various countries such as Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Singapore, even from South Africa. While presenters from Indonesia mostly came from state universities such as ITS, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Universitas Andalas Padang, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Diponegoro, and so forth. At that moment, Unimus lecturers had the opportunity to join Workshop about “Malaysian Mathematic in Industry Workshop 2018”. (afr)