Semarang │ May 6, 2017 Unimus Mathematics Student Association (HIMATIKA) held a seminar themed “Fun Learning in English for Better Future”. The seminar aimed at motivating children and students to learn fun English voluntarily. “The Mathematics English seminar aims at persuading all people to learn English through their own interests.”, stated the Managing Chairperson of the Event (Tsania Filhil Masyhana). The event took place in Campus 1 of Unimus, with Yuniarso Adi Nugroho, S.Pd., M. Hum, from Diponegoro University as the guest speaker.
The event went well, with 50 participants representing all students organizations at Unimus. Held by the student organization, the event shows students contribution to the development of the academic atmosphere in the campus. The event also becomes a real support of students and student organization to the realizations of the vision as well as the credo of the univesity, to become an excellent university.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.