Semarang | UNIMUS (June 9, 2018) Eight students of the Faculty of Dentistry at Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) Malaysia is taking part in a Student Exchange program and elective practice in Unimus Faculty of Medicine for 3 weeks. The eight-semester students are facilitated by the Faculty of Medicine of Unimus to do elective practice by placing them at Regional Public Hospital (RSUD) of Dr. Adhyatma, MPH (RSUD Tugurejo Semarang). Those students come from four departments, i.e. Surgery, Oncology, Obsgyn and Pediatrics. They are Fakhrul Syamil (Oncology Department), Rib’e (Pediatric Department), Muhammad Zafri Zaqwan, Amirah Nabilah, and Nurul Basyirah (Surgery Depertment), and Mega Muliasari, Maryam Ulfah, and Taibah Lailie (Obsgyn Department). Today, they have been there form two weeks and will be there until June 18, 2018.

Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, the Rector of Unimus, introduced them during iftar and Nuzulul Quran celebration in the campus of Unimus in Friday afternoon (September 8, 2018). He stated that there was cooperation between Unimus and CUCMS Malaysia following the MoU and MoA signings between both universities some time ago. Unnimus has also just send several students of the Faculty of Medicine to take international Unimus student mobility and international benchmarking programs at CUCMS for a week. It became one of Unimus’ attempts to go international as well as improving the quality of Unimus in this global era.

Rib’e, Taibah Lailie, and Fakhrul Syamil, the representatives of the CUCMS students, share with the audience about their experience during elective practice at Tugurejo Hospital. In general, they were very glad to do elective practice at Unimus and Tugurejo for as young physicians (coass), they didn’t only work in wards and polyclinics but also other rooms such as ICU and some other parts. Taibah added that they were already in eight semester. “In Malaysia, medical learning consists of 2-year theory and 3-year practice in clinic (Coass), followed with internship”.

Rector of Unimus receives souvenir from medical students of CUMCS Malaysia

Under the clinical supervision by medical specialists from Tugurejo Regional Public Hospital, they felt that they got experience about internship more complete compared to when they took it in Malaysia. Prof. Dr. Rifki Muslim, Sp.B., Sp.U., the Dean of Unimus Faculty of Medicine and an expert and consultant of urology surgery, also gave an opportunity for those doing elective practice in surgery department to follow his activities in surgical room at Roemani Semarang Hospital.

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