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Laporan ketua panitiaSemarang │ May 23, 2017 Study Program of DIII in Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan-FIKKES at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a workshop on Midwifery Profession Curriculum Development, located in the hall of NRC Unimus on May 22-23, 2017. Chairman of the committee (Dewi Puspitaningrum, SSiT, M.Kes.) explained that the workshop was held as a preparatory step of establishing Professional Program in Midwifery at Unimus. “It is expected that in this workshop, we will receive suggestions and inputs from various parties regarding the quality development of a new study program, midwifery profession” revealed the chairperson. This workshop was opened by the Vice Rector I of Unimus who, in her speech, stated that in this year, Unimus would prepare a Professional Program in Midwifery, thus, the curriculum development was required as a learning parameter in order to create a quality and professional midwifery profession.

Penyampaian materi oleh ketua IBI pusat (Dr. Emi Nurjasmi, M.Kes) didampingi moderator (Dian Nintyasari Mustika, S.SiiT, M.Kes)Participants of the workshop included lecturers of Midwifery program, stakeholders (from general hospitals, maternity hospitals, medical clinics, etc.), Indonesian Midwives Association as well as the alumni and students of Unimus. Dra. Jumiarti Ilyas, M.Kes. (Chairperson of the Association of Midwifery Education Institution (Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia-AIPKIN), Dr. Emi Nurjasmi, M.Kes. (President of the Indonesian Midwifes Association) and dr. Liliana Sugiharto, M.S., PA (K) from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) were invited to give materials and lead discussions on the first day of the workshop. The first material was presented by dr. Liliana Sugiharto, M.S., PA (K) from Kemenristek Dikti. It was themed “The Level of Midwifery Education and the Legal Aspect of Midwifery Profession Education”. Meanwhile, the second material was presented by Dr. Emi Nurjasmi, M.Kes., themed “The Learning Outcomes and Study Materials of Midwifery Profession”. The first-day discussion involved the stakeholders, users, alumni and their parents. They were discussing evaluation on midwives’ services presented by the users, policies on midwives services presented by the stakeholders and need for midwives as well as soft skills, hard skills, and competencies of midwifery graduates. Meanwhile, on the second day, the workshop was closed with a presentation by the President of the Indonesian Midwives Association about the projection of the need for midwives, the profile of professional nurse and the prospect career of midwifery profession’s graduates.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.


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