Semarang | (26/01/2020) The Undergraduate Program of Chemistry Education of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (FMIPA Unimus) in collaborated with Students Association of Chemistry Education Study Program (Himadikmia) organised national competition entitled National Chemistry Expo and Festival for High School and University Students. This event was joined by several participants from all around Indonesia entitled “Kontribusi Generasi Muda dalam Implementasi Sustainable Development Goal’s (SDG’S)”. Miftahul Hidayati, the chairperson of this competition stated that this agenda was designed to provide new experience and motivation for youngsters in creating and expressing ideas and insights that will be manifested in the form of research and scientific/academic writing. “At first, this creative idea was born from several chemistry students’ minds for they have ever joined in National and International Competition. Then, they try to design the similar competition by inviting students from all around Indonesia to prove that they are the best. At least 30 articles (SMA) and 35 (universities) were selected to be the top 6 (SMA) and 15 (university),” she stated. This agenda was conducted for two days, 25-26 January 2020.
After presenting their papers in semifinal, the champions were gained, they were SMA N 4 Kendari (1st winner) by presenting their paper entitled “Chemistry Board Game (CBG) dan Chemistry Borcode Scan (CBS) Berbasis Quick Respon Code bagi Upaya Mewujudkan Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Joyful Learning”, SMA N 84 Jakarta (2nd winner) by presenting their paper entitled “Implementasi Kartu Jakarta Pintar (KJP) Plus di Wilayah Jakarta Barat I : Peluang dan Tantangan Pemenuhan Keadilan Social Dibidang Pendidikan”, and MAN 2 Jember (3rd winner) by presenting their paper entitled “Potensi Antioksidan Herbal pada Daun Aplukat (Perseaamericana miller) Sebagai Penurun Tekanan Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi) di Pakusari Jember”.
Whereas, competition for university level were divided into three categories such as health, environment, and technology. Whereas, competition for university level were divided into three categories such as health, environment, and technology.
Health category
1st winner – Universitas Sebelas Maret (Salugen : Inovasi Salep Penyembuh Luka Bakar dari Kolagen Limbah Tulang Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos F)
2nd winner – Universitas Brawijaya (FOODENTRIK (Food Dehydrator Thermoelectric): Inovasi Teknologi Pengolahan Sumberdaya Tanaman Lokal Bunga Telang Menjadi Produk Unggulan Berbasis IoT)
3rd winner – Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Cookies Cangkang Telur Tinggi Kalsium)
Environment category
1st winner – Universitas Diponegoro (Paving Block Ramah Lingkungan dengan Bahan Baku Limbah Plastik)
2nd winner – Universitas Brawijaya (ALADIN : Alat Sterilisasi Instrumen Kedokteran Gigi Berbasis Plasma dengan Terintegrasi Solar Cell)
3rd winner – Universitas Negeri Malang (GEN LINK: Inovasi dalam Konservasi Hutan dan Alam Berbasis Internet Of Change)
Technology category
1st winner – Universitas Diponegoro (Proskin (Protection Skin) : Pengembangan Formulasi Sunscreen Berbasis Nanopartikel Kalsium Oksida Kombinasi Kitosan Dalam Meningkatkan Perlindungan Kulit Dari Sinar UV Penyebab Kanker Kulit)
2nd winner – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (BINARI : Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Pusaran Gravitasi Air Guna Meningkatkan Pemanfaatan Energi Alternatif Dalam Mewujudkan Sustainable Development Goals 2030)
3rd winner – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik PP/PET dan Cangkang Kerang Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Paving Block Ramah Lingkungan)
Miftahul Hidayah, the chairperson of the committee expected that this event will be conducted annually to facilitate youth creativities.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol