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Wakil Ketua PWM Jateng menyampaikan tausiyahnyaSemarang │ June, 16, 2017 Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang held a Nuzul Al-Quran recitation and Iftar on Friday, June 16, 2017. The event, taking place in the green park of Unimus, was attended by the Deputy Chairman of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java (Dr. H.A. Hasan Asy’ari Ulama’i., M.Ag.). Also attending the event were the Rector and Vice Rectors of Unimus, the Chairman of Unimus Daily Advisory Board, the deans, the heads of study programs and the rest of Unimus’ academicians. Rohmat Suprapto, S.Ag., M.Si., the head of Ketua LSIK Unimus stated that the event was a part of Gebyar Ramadhan 148 Hijriyya held as an effort to celebrate Ramadhan and do the eminence of  Islam. Meanwhile, Unimus’ Rector in his greeting speech explained that the moment was also used to express a gratitude for all of achievements that Unimus has got including the accreditation predicate of the Faculty of Medicine, which is B.

Civitas Akedemika Unimus Mengikuti Pengajian di Taman Unimus

In his speech, the Deputy Chairman of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java passed Prophet Muhammad’s message to the audience to obey two things, Al-Quran and the Prophet’s Sunnah. “The meaning of the Prophet Muhammad’s message deals with two dimensions, i.e. Muslims have to control their desires and always practice principles stated in the Koran. He added. “Don’t let Muslims be controlled by Musyriks  for they know more about the Koran. Academicians at Unimus need to learn Islam not only by functioning the Koran as a part of culture but also guidance.”

Penghargaan karyawan teraktif dalam kegiatan LSIK didampingi Rektor, Wakil Rektor dan Ketua BPH Unimus

The following agenda was Rewards Handover to the most active staff during the religious activities managed by LSIK, including activeness in the Thursday Morning recitation, Dzuhur and Ashar Prayers, and Qiyam Al Lail Prayers. Those who got the rewards were Muhimatul Ifadah, M.Pd (Head of English Education Study Program) and Khoiri (Staf of the University Project Development Unit). “We hope that the the reward from LSIK Unimus can make all the family members of Unimus be more active in praying to Allah SWT”, stated the head of LSIK Unimus. The event was closed with Magrib prayer, iftar, Eid Parcel handover, and Isya and Tarawikh Prayers in the mosque.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.


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