Freshmen of General Medicine Faculty of Unimus are welcoming new semester by occupying new building in Kedungmundu. This faculty also organized general lecture given by dr. Agus Taufikurrahman, Sp.S, M.Kes from Central Board of Muhammdiyah entitled “Being Islamic and Progressive General Practitioner” (Menjadi Dokter yang Islami dan Berkemajuan) was conducted on Monday (08/10/2018). It was attended by Vice Rector II, Dean, Vice Dean, Lecturers, and freshmen of FK Unimus at the third floor of FK Building.



Vice Rector II, Dr. Sri Rejeki, S.Kp, M.Kep, Sp.Mat stated in her welcoming speech that the featured program of FK Unimus is to create Islamic family practitioner. “It is in line with Unimus basic line such as health program. Well, let us pray that Unimus Hospital can be realized immediately in order to facilitate students’ practicum.” In another speech, Dean of FK Unimus, Prof. Dr. dr. Rifki Muslim, Sp.B, Sp.U (K) expected that the alumni will be good general practitioner with added positive values. “Accomplishing study and becoming doctor is common thing. The great thing is how to be added value General Practitioner”. He said.



dr. Agus Taufikurrahman, Sp.S, M.Kes explained that Islamic and progressive general practitioner is the one who implement Islamic value and excellence. “Great general practitioner will be more extraordinary if he/she is able to combine excellence and Islamic values. Success is not only achieved by someone’s cognitive competence, but also focus on spiritual and personal competence.” He also stated that “Many people will see General Practitioner as a prestigious profession.” He added. “If a general practitioner has lost his/her humanity to help others, society will lost its respect to GP’s profession.” In that general lecture, it is also said that being General Practitioner is similar to do charity. Many doctors save people’s life. In addition, as the alumni from Muhammadiyah University, alumni should be excelled in spiritual, intellectual, and professional general practitioner. This attractive general lecture was moderated outstandingly for two hours by dr. Wijayanti Fuad.



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