Semarang | November 7, 2016 Along with the weekly Monday morning prayer, Unimus held an ambulance key handing-over ceremony. The car was donated by Mr. Hartono, a culinary businessman living in Semarang City. The key was handed over by Mr. Hartono to Mr. Prof Dr. H. Masrukhi, M.Pd., as the Rector of the University.

it was planned that the ambulance car would not only be used for serving Unimus’ family but also to give assistance to any victims of natural disasters in the provincial area of Central Java as well as for any other humanitarian activities whenever needed. Thus, it was hoped that the car could be truly helpful to the society in general as Muhammadiyah would always be an organization that also contributed in handling natural disaster victims. On behalf of the university, the Rector said thank you to Mr. Hartono for the donation.