Semarang │UNIMUS (September 5, 2017) Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) accompanied by the vice rectors and the academicians officially admitted 2,445 new students at Unimus in the Academic Year 2016-2017, taking place in the integrated campus. Prof. Dr. H. Masrukhi M.Pd., the rector, put an alma-mater jacket on to the representatives of the new students to symbolically receive them at Unimus. Meanwhile, Drs. Syamsudi Raharjo, M.M., M.T., the Vice Rector for Student Affairs handed-over student ID cards to two representatives of the students, which also symbolized the official admission of the new students.

Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. As the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs in her report to the university’s senate stated that the new students consisted of 172 students of nurse profession, 1462 students of undergraduate programs, 384 students of Diploma IV programs, and 425 students of Diploma IV programs. “Several new student enrollment paths have been provided by Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang in the Academic Year 2017-2018. They are non-test, selection test, scholarship, free-of-test, and Recoqnition of Prior Learning (RPL) ways. Totally, there have been 5788 applicants recorded in the university database, applying in 22 student programs. Among theme, as many as 2445 of those have been accepted, or approximately 42.24%” she revealed. This year, Unimus also has admitted students enrolling through the RPL program for health workers in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, consisting of nurses, midwives, and medical laboratory assistants (120 students).
To all of the new students, the Rector, as the senate leader of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang hoped that the new students would be able to quickly adjust to the Islamic environment of the campus (obeying Islamic values) as well as to comfortably and happily study and to develop their potentials with guidances and services from the lecturers and administrative staff at Unimus. “What we want are not only academically smart but also Islamic students. It has become one of our campus’ distinctive but excellent features” Prof. Masrukhi explained. Character building is not only taught to Muslim but also non-Muslim students. “Despite being an Islamic campus, we also have non-Muslim students. Here we equip them with character education based on their beliefs,” the Rector added. He also said that another learning pillar at Unimus was internationalization. The students were expected to take part in student exchange and student mobility programs, including continuing their studies at foreign institutions that have been collaborating with Unimus.
The second day of ORASI was also filled with material presentation and debriefing by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, the Vice Rector for Financial and Employee Affairs (Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep, Sp.Mat), the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, and Dr. Djoko Setyo Hartono, S.H., M.Kn., as an ex-Vice Rector for Student Affairs, who introduced student organizations at Unimus as well as gave a general lecture on student affairs.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.