Semarang │March 12, 2017 Study Program of Nursing Profession of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) in collaboration with the alumni held a national seminar entitled “Update Evidence Based Nursing Management Stroke and Post Stroke for Elderly Patients” on Sunday, March 12, 2017. In the seminar located at the Grasia Hotel, there were three national-level guest speakers who contributed, such as Ns. Enny Mulyatsih., M.Kep., Sp.KMB (chairman of the Indonesian Neuroscience Nurses Association and Division Head of Nursing of the National Brain Center Hospital), Ns. Bondan Palestin., M.Kep., Sp.Kom. (a lecturer at the Health Polytechnic of Yogyakarta) and Ns. M. Fatkhul Mubin., M.Kep., Sp.Jiwa (a lecturer of Faculty of Nursing & Health Sciences (FIKKES) of Unimus).
Chairman of the committee (Ns. Fefi Eka., S.Kep) stated that there were 450 participants from 11 provinces in Indonesia in this event, consisting of nurses of hospitals, community health centers, and medical clinics as well as students from various educational institutions. Vice Rector II, Vice Dean I of FIKKES, managers of study programs and nursing lecturers also attended the event.

The seminar shows how the alumni of Nursing Profession program gave contribution toward the development of science, improvement of the services as well as enhancement of the academic atmosphere. Vice Rector II (Dr. Sri Rejeki., M.Kep., Sp.Mat.) who opened the event stated that the event was one of the efforts to foster synergy between the alumni’s role with the mission of Unimus in accordance with the scientific development and academic atmosphere within the campus. She appreciated the committee for preparing the event. Furthermore, the Vice Rector II also stated that the theme was correctly chosen as the purpose was to improve the nursing service quality for patients of stroke, given the fact that the number of cases of stroke kept continually increasing, hoping that updated information about stroke and post-stroke managements in elderly patients could be shared holistically through the seminar. The Vice Rector also hoped that in the future other events that involve alumni could be held by every study program at the university.

Materials given by the three speakers include updated evidence of stroke patients management, modality therapy for post-stroke patients and psychological management for the patients of stroke. By and large, all of the participants were enthusiastic in participating the seminar and discussion with the speakers. It was shown by the fact that a lot of questions were asked in the discussion session. In this event, the person in charge with moderating the seminar and discussion was Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho., M.Kep., Sp.Kom. The event was held from 8.30 a.m. through 12.30 p.m. The committee hoped that after attending the seminar, the participant could apply the most updated management of stroke patients so that their quality of life was still optimal.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations & Protocol