Semarang | Selasa (14/5/2019) At least 86 Prospective Graduates from Nursing Professional Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) attended in Post-Study Baitul Arqam (Baitul Arqom Purna Studi-BAPS) in NRC Hall, Unimus. The event was organised by Unimus’ Institute of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (Lembaga Studi Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan-LSIK) themed “Being Islamic and Professional Nurse in Industrial Revolution 4.0″.
Head of Nursing Professional Program, Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kom., attended the BAPS and stated that Nurse is a profession that uphold worship/ibadah value. “It is also a profession that manifest the community service to human beings and promote humanism. Besides it also foster the heath value upon individual one, that is why professionalism is a must,” he asserted.
The agenda was continued by the presentation from Dr. KH. Rozihan, SH. M.Ag (member of BPH Unimus and Vice Chairman of PWM Jateng) as the first speaker discussing “Role and Function of Aqidah in Industrial Era 4.0”, and second speaker, Drs. H. Tafsir, M.Ag (Chairman of PWM Jateng) discussing “Implementation of Professional and Islamic Work in Industrial Era 4.0”, third speaker, Rohmat Suprapto, S.Ag., M.Ag (Head of LSIK Unimus) discussing “Review of Ibadah based on Sunnah Sahihah”, and Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si (Vice Rector I Unimus) discussing “Boosting Alumni’s Role to Strengthen Muhammadiyah and Unimus.”