Semarang | Unimus (January 24, 2018) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) despite relatively young-aged compared to other big Muhammadiyah higher education institutions cannot be underestimated. This campus has leading aspects, such as in health sector with the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry).
Governor of Central Java Province and General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive BoardThe Faculty of Dentistry at Unimus is one of the youngest faculties, established in 2013. This faculty provides dental education using Competence-based Curriculum (Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi/KBK) that applies student-centered learning, with the concepts of adult learning and Islamic. The approach chosen is problem-based learning, dealing with cases of dental and oral health problems in Central Java Province, primarily Semarang City. One of the characteristics of the faculty is family dentistry, with the integration of islamic value in each block.

Unimus has just built Dental and Oral Hospital (Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut/RSGMP), which will becomes an educational hospital for Unimus’ academicians as well as a place where the public can come to get health and medical services. The hospital has been constructed since the end of 2016.
On Wednesday (January 24, 2018), Ganjar Pranowo (Governor of Central Java Province), Abdul Mu’ti (General Secretary ofMuhammadiyah Central Executive Board), Head of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java, Unimus’ Daily Advisory Board members, Unimus’ Rector, Vice Rectors and the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry made an official visit to the hospital. “The project completion of RSGMP has been 90% and is planned to be finished and thus inaugurated in February 2018” Prof. Masrukhi revealed. Meanwhile, drg. Budiono, M.Pd. (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at Unimus) said that the hospital (RSGMP) would be used for both professional practices by the Dentistry students at Unimus and other health-based study programs, and providing services to the public in general. “The leading service is the Islamic dental services for the public in general as well as children with special needs,” he added.

During the visit, the Governor of Central Java Province asked many question dealing with services that would be provided. He really appreciated the building of the hospital. “In addition to learning, RSGM later can be used to help people and build synergy with the government’s programs.” he explained.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol