Semarang | March 19, 2017 University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) became the host of the Regional Working Meeting and Seminar on Sports and Arts entitled “Developing Central Java Province with Arts, Culture and Sports”. The event was held in the hall of Unimus by the Council of Arts, Culture and Sports (LSBO) of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java (PWM-Jateng) in collaboration with Unimus. The event began with the regional meeting and was ended with the seminar. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan, representing the rector of Unimus, stated that Unimus always tried to work together with PWM in various events in order to serve ummah and develop Muhammadiyah. “Sports and Arts need to be conserved and developed by Muhammadiyah for every moslem is obliged to be a strong, virtuous and sensible person”, added Dr. Bagus.

The event was held from 1 p.m. until 5.30, attended by the chairman of LSBO, members of PWM, representatives of Regional Executive Boards of Muhammadiyah in Central Java, artists, sportsmen, Daily Advisory Board members of Unimus as well as Unimus’ students. In the first session, there were three speakers, such as Yayuk Basuki, retired international tennis player, Drs. Sukriyanto A R., M.Hum. (chairman of LSBO of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board), and Sigit Baskoro (a songwriter). Yayuk Basuki, as the first speaker, motivated young generation to get achievements though hard-work, not to get satisfied too easy before becoming the best and also having the commitment whatever the field is.
The second speaker, Drs. Sukriyanto A R., M.Hum. explained about arts and culture in Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah has conducted some reformations in accordance with with arts, culture and sports in order to give the best contribution towards the nation. Cultural reformations starts from creating children songs, short stories, poems, and paintings to theater performances. As for the children songs, Sigit Baskoro explained that many of children songs in are not suitable to be used as teachers’ materials. He asked the audience to reform the children songs so that they can become more educative.

In the second session, there were two speakers such as Dr. H. Rony Syaifullah, M.Pd (a lecturer at Sebelas Maret University, also an international martial artist), Dr. Junaedi Setiyono, M.Pd. (an academician and novel writer) and Drs. Tri Nurharsono, M.Pd. (a lecturer at Semarang State University and the founder of Tonnis). Dr. H. Rony Syaifullah, M.Pd. explained some issues related to doing sports, strategies to promote sports and physical activities. Dr. Junaedi Setiyono, M.Pd., as the next speaker told about the progress of da’wah by Muhammadiyah’s litterateurs. He stated that Muhammadiyah’s litterateurs could do da’wah though a unique way, though writing books. The third speaker was Drs. Tri Nurharsono, M.Pd., explaining how the nature of Tonnis was. “Tonnis is a combination of badminton and tennis. It is an easy, affordable, and healthy sport that has some educative value.” stated Mr. Tri Nurharsono.
Through the seminar on arts, culture and sports, it is hoped that the students are motivated to get achievements either in arts or sports. Besides, it is important to have balance between academic and non-academic achievements in arts and sports. It is hoped also that this seminar will benefit the participants in particular and Unimus academicians and the public in general.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.
Reporter: Aulia Dwita Pangestika (Student Activity Unit of Communication)