Semarang, (September 29, 2017) Institute of Research and Community Service (Lembaga penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat/LPPM) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a national seminar themed “Implementations of Researches and Community Services to Improve Intellectual Property”. The seminar was held in the Nursing Research Center (NRC) Building at Unimus with the speakers Dr. Sadjuga, M.Sc. (Director of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) and Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. (Vice Rector 2 of Unimus). 150 people participated the event, including those from Unimus and other institutions. They consisted of lecturers and students from educational institutions in many cities.

It is expected that the national seminar can share strategic information to improve researchers’ abilities in doing researches, help implementing research results, as well as produce information that supports the scientific, technological and socio-cultural developments and get protection over intellectual property rights. An activity following the seminar was research result publication session through oral and poster presentations. 80 participants took part in the poster presentation session; meanwhile, 20 participants in the oral presentation session. Posters displayed in the front yard of the Nursing Research Center (NRC) building of Unimus were also evaluated. And then the best one was be selected.

“Through this national seminar, we hope that lecturers and students will be able to implement and apply the results of their researches to the real life in the society, so that they will not just staked in the library but also be realized.” Dr. Sri Darmawati explained. “The seminar and publication, attended by students, can also be a medium to give experience to the students in doing a research after finishing their studies.” she added. themed “intellectual improvement”, information of intellectual properties, including scientific publication, scientific journal/scientific journal accreditation. intellectual property right patent, and research idea, was also shared with and discussed. the national seminar and research and community service results publication are routine agenda organized by Unimus in order to create an excellent academic atmosphere in the campus.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol