Yanuar Wega Vida Tama, standing committee of creative economic from Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) Central Java presented about the basic technique of photography.

Semarang│ (28/8/2018) Brand imaging is what people think and feel when they hear or see a particular brand name. Customers would respond positively towards brand name by good imaging that can be captured by nice and comfort picture. The documentation of photo work is being the great efforts to build effective and efficient communication to people surrounding. By using potential media that can reach wider community, great photo can surprisingly maintain the product imaging include institution.

The publication of photography result in an institution can be done by all the members of academic society both in mass media and social media. In providing wonderful photo, creativity and participation of alumni, students, lecturers of administration staffs is absolutely required. Besides, skills and mastery of creating good picture is also important factor to be considered. For that reason, the Technical Unit of Public Relation in Unimus held Photography Workshop entitled “Fotografi Praktis di Era Digital” on Wednesday (29/08/2018) in NRC Hall of Unimus. In facilitating this Unimus invited Yanuar Wega Vidi Tama whose expertise is in photography. This event was proudly joined by at least 50 persons including lecturers, students, alumni, and staffs in Unimus.

Participants were enthusiastically listened to the speaker’s explanation

Vega Viditama, who works in standing committee of creative economic in Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) Central Java also work for Ministry of Tourism as media calendar of events Team explained about several basic technique of photography. “To produce extraordinary photo, we need to master four basic photography such as lighting, composition, angle, and moment,” said Vega. Participants, then, were asked to practice taking picture with the camera (DSLR, mobile phone camera, mirrorless, etc) to capture the moment in surrounding Unimus. After that, Vega gave short and brief review about the photo being captured by several participants. Evi Sofiya Inayat, participant from Statistic Study Program said that the workshop was incredible. “I’m very happy and lucky that I can join this activity because I can get so many knowledge and new information about photography,” she ended.

In the same occasion, Yunie Armiyati as the Head of Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol in Unimus stated that this workshop was one of efforts to develop the creativity of Unimus academic society, especially in photography. “Upon joining this workshop, participants are expected to get more knowledge and skill to create extraordinary photo work that worth a thousand words. Now, people is not only taking the picture and enjoy it themselves, but it is expected that they publish their picture captured in the social media to promote the institution image globally,” Yunie explained.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol


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