Dr. Stalis Norma Ethica, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer of the Health Analyst Study Program, Unimus, receives a postdoctoral research grant in the field of health from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, through th Directorate of Research and Community Services for his research title “Bio-Remediation Potential of Hydrolytic Bacteria Isolated from Hospital Liquid Biomedical Waste in Central Java”. She said “The topics of our research are biodiversity studies and determination of bioremediation agent for hospital liquid biomedical waste in Semarang from a hydrolytic bacterial group producing lipase, protease and amylase enzymes.”
It has been confirmed also that Dr Norma, who got her doctoral degree in Biotechnology from Gadjah Mada University, will participate an international conference related to her research in Rome, Italy, entitled “ICBB’17-3rd International Conference on Bioengineering and Biotechnology” in the midst of 2017. Two other international conferences that she has planned to participate in are held in Singapore and England.
“We push our lecturers to improve their capabilities through researches. Dr. Norma’s postdoctoral research will strengthen the available researches in health in the Faculty of Nursing and Health sciences (FIKKES), especially the Health Analyst Study Program at Unimus, where we have had an integrated medical laboratory, and are planning to establish Masters Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM), explained Dr. Budi Santosa, S.K.M., M.Si. Med., the Dean of FIKKES. “Unimus has had two study programs rated B, such as D.III and D.IB in Health Analyst, one of the requirements of establishing the Masters degree,” added Mrs. Santosa.
Meanwhile, Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa, the Director of the Directorate of Research and Community Services, the Minitry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, when delivering a speech at Unimus a some time ago stated that, “The aim of awarding postdoctoral research grants is to give a chance to young doctors to conduct researches and publications. It is also to facilitate the initiations of researches and publications between young doctors (Proposing Researchers) and other lecturers/researchers having excellent track records (Directing Researchers), It will also make it possible to create an academic atmosphere in conducting a research and publication. He added that, “The required outputs of a postdoctoral research are publications, in form of an article of review in the first year and a research article published in a reputable international journal in the second year, and participations in international seminars.”

“Health Analyst study program of Unimus works hard to mobilize the all staff members to work and work. In 2017, research grants recipients have increased in number, totally 7 lecturers. “ explained Dr. Budi Santosa, S.K.M., M.Si. Med.. Meanwhile, 3 (three) lecturers from the same faculty receiving the Applied Product Research grants are Dr. Budi Santosa, S.K.M., M.Si. Med. for a proposal entitled “The Rate of Metallothionein in Various Varieties of Rice Leaves to Prevent Heart Damage due to Pb Exposure”, Dr. Endang Triwahyuni, M.Pd. for a proposal entitled “Development of Training Management Model for Chemistry Lecturers in the D.III in Health Analyst” and Dr. Ana Hidayati Mukaromah, M.Si. for a proposal entitled “Degrading the Concentration of Carbonmonoxyde using Zeolite Socony Mobil–5 (ZSM-5) with Low Temperature Coating Synthesis“.
Just recently, Dra. Sri Sinto Dewi, M.Kes. was awarded an Inter-institutional Research (PEKERTI) grant for a proposal entitled “Molecular Analysis of the Lactobacillus Bacteriocin sp. Isolated from Breast Milk“. In the same year, 3 (three) lecturers of the same study program have received Junior Lecturer Research (PDP) funding. They are Ayu Rahmawati Sulistyaningtyas, S.Si., M.Si., for a proposal entitled “The Activities of Antioxidant and cytotoxicity in Robusta Coffee Beans (Coffea robusta) after Decaffeinated using Tofu Waste”, Arya Iswara, S.Si., M.Si. Med. for a proposal entitled :“Variation of Potassium Hydroxide Concentration and Clearing Time in accordance with the Quality of Entomological Preserved Preparations” and Fandhi Adi Wardoyo, S.Si., M.Si. for a proposal entitled “Lipase Immobilization on a Solid Material Supporting Natural Zeolite. Good Job!