Semarang | (09/08/2019) The implementation of research and community service program should refer to quality assurance of research and community service in higher education institution based on the determined rules. Therefore, the Institution of Unimus Research and Community Service (LPPM) organised Workshop entitled Coordination and Accompaniment of Designing Dikti-funded Proposal Year 2020. This agenda was conducted in FK Hall of Unimus participated by lecturers in Unimus featuring outstanding speaker, Dr. Suparni Setyowati Rahayu, M.Si, a national Reviewer in Community Service.


In her explanation, Dr. Suparni Setyowati Rahayu, M.Si said that the key factor of passing the Dikti-funded proposal is the administrative evaluation that fits the regulation. “There are several administrative criteria to pass the selection such as multidiscipline competences based on the proposed sciences (minimum 2 competence), for instance, first member is from engineering, second member is from nutrition, and third member is from biology.


Previously, Dr. Dini Cahyandari, MT., as the Head of LPPM Unimus explained about Guidelines of Research and Community Service Revision Edition XII 2019. “This guidelines is adjusted to the Indonesian regulation related to the implementation of research in Indonesia. The liability of research funding must refer to the Regulation of Minister of Finance about Standard Cost of Output (SBK) in accordance with the law and regulation in Indonesia. It is expected that lecturers will be highly motivated to fulfil the output target in conducting research. Besides, lecturers will be triggered to optimise productivity of research output”. He ended.




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