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Dekan Fakultas Tehnik Unimus menjelaskan tentang FT Unimus
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Unimus explained about his faculty.

Semarang │ April 27, 2017 University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) received a visit from students and teachers of Public Vocational High School (SMKN) 4 Sukoharjo. The visit in the Faculty of Engineering (FT) was made by 150 students of mechanical engineering and automotive body repair engineering, accompanied by 9 teachers. As the host, Unimus was represented by the Vice Rector III (Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, S.T., M.T., M.M.), Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Dr. R.M. Bagus Irawan, M.T.), Head of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program (Dr. Purnomo., M.Eng.), Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program (Ahmad Solikhan, S.T., M.Kom.) and the rest of the Faculty of Engineering’s academicians, including the students and those who manage the Student Executive Board of FT.

Joko Susilo, S.Pd. as the Vice Headmaster for Public Relations of SMKN 4 Sukoharjo, stated that the purpose of the visit was o introduce to the students about education in higher education level that matched with their field. “We hope that through the visit to FT Unimus, students can go to a college or university and thus we expect to get information on how to study at Unimus” added Mr. Joko Susilo. On the other hand, deal of FT Unimus introduced to the students about the faculty, the facilities as well as the activities done by the lecturers and students. Then, head of the Mechanical Engineering Program stated that all engineering programs have been accredited B, indicating the quality assurance of the programs. “Unimus Faculty of Engineering is already on the international level for having some overseas students come from’ he explained. In that opportunity, he added that the visit could become a medium to socialize to the public about the education, learning system, facilities, achievements and graduate competency of both the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Study Programs at Unimus. “The event can also extend the network of partnership between Unimus and secondary education institutions as the present institutions of the prospective university students. ”Dr. Purnomo., M.Eng. added.

Suguhan atraksi Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah dari mahasiswa FT Unimus
Suguhan atraksi Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah dari mahasiswa FT Unimus

Warm and vibrant atmosphere was really felt during the visit. Some attractions of Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah (a kind of martial arts developed by Muhammadiyah) were demonstrated by the students F Unimus. As for that, the Vice Rector III explained that Tapak Suci was an obligatory extracurricular activity for Unimus students, aiming at building positive characters. Both students and teachers of SMKN 4 Sukoharjo looked enthusiastic during the discussion session and paid attention to all of the presentations.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.


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