Semarang │UNIMUS (08/09/2017) Astroboy astonishingly performed in inauguration of New Students of Unimus 2018. This band started the hilarious evening by performing the opening song entitled “Skuteria”. This agenda was officially closed set of ORASI (Organisation and Study Program Orientation) and Masta (Masa Ta’aruf) of new students of Unimus in the academic year 2018/2019.This activity was conducted in Parking lot centre on Saturday (08/09/2018) and was opened by dance performant and band from UKM Seni (art)
Rector delivered award to the best Student’s Organisation

Many students from various UKM participated in this event. In addition, the new thing is the announcement of Ormawa Award. This award would goes to the best ormawa (students’organisation) and activist in Universitias Muhammadiyah Semarang. Those awardees are Himagi (Nutrition Department Student Association) as the best HMJ; UKM Komunikasi as the best UKM; BEM Fikkes as the best Student Executive Board; Roqy Bihaqy as the best male activist (D4 TLM) and Rofiqoh (Nursing Department) as the best female activist. Then, the best Immawati (IMM female activist) goes to Immawati Dwi Rahayu; the best immawan (IMM male activist) goes to Immawan Himawan Zamawi; while the Millennial cadre goes to Septian Dwi and the best IMM commissariat goes to IMM Ar-Razy.
Astroboy Band PerformanceReported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol