Director of RSGM Unimus welcomed the visitors

Thursday (12/12/2019) Grand Opening of Unimus Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM Unimus) was attended by Mayor of Semarang that was represented by Semarang Development Planning Board (Bapeda Kota Semarang) Head, Unimus Board of Daily Advisors, Head of Muhammadiyah’s Local Executive Board of Semarang, The Chair of the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI) of Semarang, Director of RSGM and Hospitals in Semarang, Semarang Health Office, community leaders in Tembalang municipality, Vice Rectors of Unimus, and Board of Executive in Unimus, several partners of Unimus. The grand opening was started by tumpeng cutting and ribbon cutting ceremony by the Director of RSGM Unimus, Vice Rector I, Semarang Development Planning Board Head, Chair of Unimus Board of Daily Advisors

The Epigraph Signing by Vice Rector I of Unimus

Vice Rector I, Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Si.Med stated that the aim of establishing RSGM was not only merely to facilitate students of Dentistry Faculty and to support their education and learning process. “RSGM was established to bring benefit for society as the manifestation of House for Charity of Muhammadiyah (AUM). Beside supporting the education, RSGM Unimus can also support research and community service, and provide good service to Semarang citizen”, explained Dr. Budi. Meanwhile, Drs. H. Bunyamin as the Head of Bapeda Kota Semarang read the written speech of the Mayor that he appreciated and welcomed the grand opening of RSGM Unimus in Semarang. “Hopefully, the grand opening of RSGM Unimus will increase the heath status in Semarang. In the future, RSGM Unimus can be the first destination of Semarang and Central Java people that have dental and oral problems” he said. Pak Hendi also wished that all of the health workers (dentists, nurses, staffs) in RSGM Unimus provide the best service (being friendly and responsive to patients).”

dr. Bawa Adiwinarna, M.Med.Ed, the Director of RSGM Unimus mentioned about several RSGM services such as Dental Poly, prostodonti, periodonti, dental conservation, orthodonti, pedodonty, mouth diseases, mouth surgery and and general practitioner. Providing 103 dental units, RSGM Unimus also provide Emergency Room, Operating Theater, Lactation Room, Prayer Room and Meeting Room. “Promoting its vision, such as to be an excellent, distinctive in service, education, research, and community service in dental and oral health, technology-based, and international-minded Dental and Oral Hospital. Today, RSGM Unimus own competent 7 dental specialist and 10 dentist” explained drg. Bawa. “During the Grand Opening for 2 days (12-13 December 2019), RSGM Unimus provide dental and oral check for public” ended dr. Bawa. Vice Director of RSGM Unimus, drg. Dwi Windu Kinanti A, MMR said that in 2020, RSGM will be accredited immediately.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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