Semarang | 7 December 2019, 121 students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) participated in AIK mentoring reinforcement in NRC Building 408. This agenda was attended by Vice Rector I, Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Kes.Med., Head of LSIK, Rohmad Suprapto, S.Ag., M.Ag., and Lecturers of LSIK, featuring Dr. Robby Habiba Abror, S.Ag., M.Hum. as the keynote speaker. This event aimed at providing competency reinforcement for mentors of AIK Unimus in mentoring freshmen in Unimus in order to increase students’ character education in Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies.
By promoting theme of transforming the civilisation and development value, the mentoring reinforcement was conducted to evaluate the achievement of expected goal through several procedures for at least eight (8) times of mentoring to provide freshmen of the importance of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies in this modern era. To figure out the exact achievement of mentoring goal activity, mentor should visit several lecturers exclude AIK lecturer to socialise about the final assessment standard.
Female mentors took picture with Vice Rector I, LSIK, and Speaker
Vice Rector I stated while delivered his welcoming speech that Unimus has great vision such as to realise excellent, distinctive, technology-based and international-minded university. This mentoring activity is expected to create characterised graduates Sith the value of Islam and Muhammadiyah. Besides, Vice Rector I also stated that character education is important both in theories and practices, so the daily activities are conducted based on the Aqidah from AIK learning.
The committee said that being mentor means that you have willingness to help others in reinforcing AIK and Kemuhammadiyahan. Besides, you will be able to provide solution in any problems you may encounter someday. Besides, being good mentor is important to realise the expected goal.