An attractive theater by English Literature students at Unimus

Semarang ¦Unimus (January 13, 2018), 5th semester students of English Literature Program in the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) succesfully held a theatrical performance entitled “Lutung Wears Sarung” on Friday night, January 12, 2018. The event was an annual event and obligatory to fifth semester students of the study program. Taking place in the hall of Unimus Nursing Research Center (NRC), the event was held from 7 p.m.

The event began with two musical performances. The first one was by Syahla, singing a keroncong song, followed by Umi Listiana. Then, there was a poem reading by Zhen Manab, before closed with a music performance by PSK (Persatuan Sastra Kasipah) Reborn, who sang modified gambang suling. Approximately 130 people came to watch the performance that adapted a Sundanese folktale “Lutung Kasarung”. Among the audience were representatives of several other universities, such as Unisbank and Unissula, lecturers, and students of several senior high schools in Semarang. A combination of humor and speeches in English, the performance successfully fascinated those watching.

Lutung, an ape, in Lutung Wears Sarung was played by Ade Ilyas Samudra. Purbasari, the princess and protagonist of the story, was played by Sesi Murdiana. Meanwhile, Purbarangrang, the evil elder sister, was played by Amanda Maudina Metri. Another actor that attracted attention and had made the audience burst into laughter was Dede Arian. He played Kraken, who danced a salsa dance with Purbasari released Lutung of the curse.

“Theater is a compulsory course for students of English Literature Program at Unimus,” Diana Hardiyanti, M.Hum, the Head of the Study Program explained. “This theater is not just to fulfill the requirements of the course but also becoming a medium for the students to express the creativity,” she added. Meanwhile, Untung Prasetyo Ilham, the presenter of the event, said that the theater has stimulated young people in the English Literature Study Program to produce works as many as possible, to active and creative without limit.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol
