Singorojo ¦ Approximately 1300 students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) participataed Student Social Service Camp (Kemah Bhakti Mahasiswa/KBM),located in Ngareanak Village, Sub-district of Singorojo, Kendal Regency. Exactly, there were 1227 participating students, consisting of second semester students and the committee members. The event was held for two days, from Saturday (March 10, 2018) to Sunday (March 11, 2018) as annual agenda obligatory to Unimus’ students. The dispatch ceremony was held in the rectorate front yard, led by Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, M.T. (Vice Rector III of Unimus) in Saturday morning, March 10, 2018.

Meanwhile, in the village yard of Ngareanak, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus, directly delivered the students to the Village Head of Ngareanak, accompanied by Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep., Sp.Mat. (Vice Rector II of Unimus). “The Student Social Service Camp in 2018 is attended by all second semester students from 8 faculties at Unimus. The main purpose of the event is to foster the social spirit and character,” revealed the Rector of Unimus. “Through the event, the students are expected to be able to learn together with the community, sending the message of togetherness while living together with the community to make them more sensitive and care for the society,” the Rector concluded.

In addition to the camping program, the students as well as students conducted also some social services. The camping participants worked together to clean up 10 mosques and the surrounding areas, placing 100 trash bins, and distributing 40 packages of cleaning tools and 250 packages of free groceries. The lecturers and students also cooperated with each other to give health counseling and free-of-charge medication to the local community.

Agung Widjojo, S.Sos. (Head of Ngareanak Village), representing the villagers, expressed his gratitude towards Unimus for choosing his village as the event’s location “What has been designed and programmed by Unimus is a positive event and giving advantages for the students, either directly or indirectly. What has been given to us, in form of the community service, makes us feel glad, and I can say that this is the first time that there are a lot of participants. Usually, there are only a few students coming here, through Student Community Services,” he revealed. Mr. Agung said that it is a very good thing to do by Unimus because it trains the students to be more aware of the society, by interacting directly with the society through the social service camp. He hoped that the program can become sustainable, in spite of in a different the kind of program or event. “Thank you to all of the assistances given by to the villagers. It really helps us, especially regarding to the health and environmental hygiene,” he ended.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol
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