Semarang (July 13, 2018) In order to reach the target of internationalization, the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) invited Prof. Dr. Anton Satrio Prabuwono, Ph.D, a professor in engineering from King Saud University. He is a visiting professor from the Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh – King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. Prof. Anton came to lecture on Industry 4.0: Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Its Applications” in from of the students of Mechanical Engineering end Electrical Engineering Study Programs.

Professor Dr. Anton Satrio Prabuwono is an expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI) working at King Abdulaziz University, Arab Saudi and Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia. He was invited to give a lecture and motivate the students of Unimus. Around 200 was attending in the event that was held in the hall of Unimus Nursing Research Center (NRC) building on Friday, July 13, 2018. Dr. Bagus Irawan, the dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Unimus, stated in his welcome speech that the Faculty of Engineering had been going international with the enrollments of some foreign students and also the lecturers’ publications in some international journals. “Even, some of the students have been taking dual-degree programs in Korea. Through this event, the spirit of internationalization and students’ quality to become widely competitive will be optimized,” he said.

“I am proud that this forum is attended by many people. Even, there are several foreign students here. I have given a lot of general lectures but today I can see some foreign students being the participants. I hope my visit can motivate you all to get higher achievements on international level,” Prof. Anton stated. Prof. Anton emphasized that nearly all industrial sectors had been using artificial intelligence (AI), including those having been applied and those in research and development. “Besides manufacture, there are also banking, service sector, health, and also entertainment. All have been using Artificial Intelligence, for the sake of efficiency and cost. “One thing that needs to emphasized is that robots are functioned to help us, not to replace us,” he said. “Then, what is the challenge of Artificial Intelligence?” he continued. The professor explained that the there would be a lot of challenges in the future, such as natural expression or hot to design a robot that could have natural expressions.“
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol