Semarang | (27/03/2019) In education sector, competence-based curriculum becomes the basic reference in almost study programs in planning, controlling, and developing each study programs. That is why, nowadays curriculum should provide information about plan, rules, material, and methods of teaching & evaluation to guarantee the realization of learning outcome that refer to pada Indonesian National Qualification Framework. Faculty of Engineering in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang proudly organised Workshop on Curriculum for Undergraduate Program of Informatics. This hilarious workshop presented Dr. Suryono, S.Si., M.Si as the Head of APTIKOM Central Java and Head of Post Graduate Program of Informatics from Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. This workshop was participated by 18 prospective lecturers of Undergraduate Program of Informatics in Unimus and moderated by Arief Hendra Saptadi, ST., M.Eng.
This event was held in Campus 4 Unimus and officially opened by the Dean of FT Unimus, Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan, S.T., M.Si., IPP. He stated that the permision to establish a study program Of Informatics Engineering in Unimus has been stipulated by the issues of the decree of the minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 839/KPT/I/2018, and in the academic year of 2019/2020 this program study will start to open entrance selection. “This program study is ready to welcome new students and realise Four Pillars of Higher Education (Catur Darma Perguruan Tinggi).”
There were several materials presented by the speakers, and he also explained about learning outcomes that should be included in the curriculum of Informatics Engginering such as affective, cognitive and psichomotoric aspect as stated in the Permenristekdikti No. 44 Year 2015 about Indonesian National Standar of Higher Education, Unimus Formulation, General Description of KKNI Level 6 in Academic Text of KKNI for Informatics and Computer based on APTIKOM 2016.