Makasar | Monday, March 26, 2018 Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) with Universitas Indonesia Timur (UIT), has agreed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Unimus was represented by Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. (Vice Rector I) and Dr. Budi Santoso, SKM, M.Si. Med. (Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences at Unimus). Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Basri Wello, M. A. (Rector of UIT) represented Universitas Indonesia Timur. The MoU signing was held in Hall 2 of Campus 5 of UIT on Jl. Abdul Kadir, Makassar.
“As far as we’re concerned, UIT is a developed education institution that is ready to compete. Thus, Unimus offers new partnership with the institution in terms of student and lecturer human resource quality improvements,” the Vice Rector I of Unimus said. She added that the consideration of the MoU signing was based on the fact that UIT was as a higher education institution that has been really big in eastern Indonesian.
Through the partnership, expectations on both Unimus and UIT can hopefully rise, especially for private higher education institutions outside Java Island. Prof. Basri, the Rector of UIT also hoped that other cooperation could be established as well in the future. “Cooperation in research and community service, which is also related to academics, is something we really expect to happen,” he said.

“Cooperation between the two universities is a part of the faculty’s attempt to answer challenges and needs of the students in learning processes,” revealed Jurnal Syarif, AK. SKM., M.Kes., head of the Study Program in Health Analyst. He added that the cooperation would be really good to the quality improvement of either human resources or students in Diploma III and Diploma IV in Health Analyst. Linearity of the level of the health analyst education will be helpful towards the self improvements of both institutions. And, it is not only focused on the field of health analyst but also other study programs.