
Semarang (April 24, 2018) – International Relations Office of Unimus along with Maschinen Umwelttechnik (MUT) Industry Austria, represented by Ryszard Derddowski (Project Manager), visited Public Vocational High School 7 Semarang (SMK N 7 Semarang) in accordance with a pilot project of Teaching Factory (TEFA).
Maschinen Umwelttechnik (MUT) Industry Austria is a company that engage in the sector of technological development, such as municiple vehicles, conveying technology, and environmental technology. Meanwhile, their products related to education aremekatronic, robotic, CNC machine and tools supporting green city.
On April 4, 2018, the government through the Ministry of Industry, launched Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap, meaning that educational sector, especially vocational high schools are demanded to be ready to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The development of Teaching Factory (TEFA) at vocational high schools today is directed to be able to meet with the needs of Industry 4.0. TEFA is developed in accordance with improving the skill competencies of graduates from vocational high schools as well as making workshops become more productive.
“Synergy between the owners of technologies, universities, and providers of vocational education is really importantly needed to face the era of Industry 4.0,” Doddy Urip Widodo, Director of TEFA, revealed. Meanwhile, Dev. Albasori (Vice Headmaster of SMK N 7 Semarang for Curriculum Affairs said that “Visit from the Austria’s side is really relevant to the need to develop the school in terms of empowering the technological-based curriculum development,” he added.
“Unimus International Relations Office will always provide a bridge for the Vocational High School to establish international-level partnerships, dealing with synergizing the educational quality development,” Muhammad Yusuf, the Director of Unimus International Relations Office stated. The vision of Unimus, to become a university with international insight is not only manifested in form of the cooperation with instances abroad but also by facilitating other instances to conduct international programs.