Anastasia Ratna Dewayanti, the Head of Personnel Department at Kopertis VI is explaining about functional position to Unimus’ lecturers

Semarang | Lecturer Functional/Academic Position (Indonesia: Jafung) is one of obligations for lecturers in order to improve their career developments, especially since it becomes one of the requirements of lecturer certification. Given the importance, on Thusday, February 15, 2018, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) in collaboration with the Coordination of Private Higher Education Institutions Region VI of Central Java (Kopertis VI) has just held a clinic on Functional Position in accordance with accelerating the submissions of their functional position promotions.

Becoming the speaker and consultant was Anastasia Ratna Dewayanti, the Head of Personnel Department at Kopertis VI, accompanied by the staff members (Agung Prasetyo, Dian Rukmawati, and Nunung Noer Hidayati). Attending and open the event was also Dr. Hj. Sri Rejeki, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat. (Vice Rector II of Unimus). In her greeting, Dr. Sri Rejeki motivated the lecturers of Unimus to immediately submit the promotions of their functional positions. “It is basically one of Unimus’ attempts to improve the quality of human resources at Unimus, which will make the institution more and more competitive among all other institutions. The main task of lecturers is to do the Three Obligations. Even, at Unimus, there were the Four Obligations (education, research, community service, and Muhammadiyah studies) that are obligatory for Unimus’ lecturers. They are a unity and inseparable from each other for they are related and supportive to each other. Lecturer academic position promotion is a form of appreciation by the government for their work performances. Hence, every lecturer that has shown a required work performance according the regulations has the right to get the promotion of his/her academic position,” the Vice Rector II explained.

Atmosphere when the Head of Personnel Department at Kopertis VI was giving explanation and motivation to Unimus’ lecturers

In the workshop moderated by Dr.Purnomo, M.Eng, the Head of Mechanical Engineering Study Program at Unimus, the representative of Kopertis VI gave explanation about the online promotion mechanism of Lecturer Academic Functional Position at private institutions. Kopertis VI explained the mechanism as follows: The promotion of Lecturer Academic/Functional Position, starting from Asisten Ahli up to Professor was conducted through Functional Position Information System of Go Online (Sistem Informasi Jabatan Fungsional/SiJaGo), could accessed through for lecturers and for heads of private higher education institutions. Meanwhile, the username and password of SiJaGo for each lecturer is given by the Personnel Department/Operator of Higher Education Institution Data Center (PDPT) of the institution.


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