Semarang, 24 June 2019 | Education Study Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) collaborated with teachers in Semarang held Forum Group Discusion (FGD) of Lecturer Assignment at School Program (Program Penugasan Dosen ke Sekolah)and the Implementation of LPK. Presented in the FGD were Head of LP3M, Dr. Edy Soesanto, S.Kp, M.Kes, Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Dr. Eny Winaryati, M.Pd, Head of Education Study Programs in Unimus, and Teachers from SMA Muhammadiyah 1, SMAN 15 Semarang, SMPN 29 Semarang, SD Muhammadiyah 08 Semarang, and TK ABA Mranggen Demak. This program was conducted to trigger collaboration between teachers and lecturers to improve education quality from kindergarten to High School level.

Head of LP3M, in his speech, expressed his appreciation for this collaboration. In addition he also stated that PDS is very appropriate program to improve teachers’ soft skill in teaching and learning process, teaching quality improvement, and community service for lecturers to enable them solving the problems existed in school. Thus, hopefully it would be beneficial for both university and partners. It is also expected that after joining FGD, there will be any continuing follow up to fit the real condition (practice) and the theory. Besides, lecturers or teacher student could be real role model and inspiration for school teachers so they would implement it to their students in schools.
Through joining this FGD, it is expected that lecturer can observe and give contribution to best practice at school to bring benefit in learning process. In addition, teachers can produce good lesson plan that can be implemented to their students.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol