Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, the Rector of Unimus, greets the participants

Semarang | Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) has succeeded the International Seminar on Innovation and Development of Education of Asia (1st INseIDEA). The international-level event was held in the hall of Unimus Dental and Oral Hospital on Saturday, July 14, 2018. 4 speakers from 4 countries were got involved in the seminar, which was attended by hundreds of participants from many cities in Indonesia, consisting of senior high/vocational high schools in Indonesia, as well as lecturers and leaders from several higher education institutions.

The speakers were Prof. Peter L. Schneller, Ph.D. from the University of Mount Union, the United States of America, Prof. Dato Bibi Florina Abdullah, the President of Lincoln University College Malaysia, Asst. Prof. Dr. Wittawat Didyasarin Sattayarak, the President of Hatyai Univesity Thailand, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., the Rector of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, and Prof. Mohammed Ibrahim bin Abdullah Mutalib, the Vice Chacellor of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Malaysia. The seminar was officially opened by Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., the head of the Council of Primary and Secondary Education at Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board of Central Java accompanied by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, MP.d., the Rector of Unimus.

Prof. Dato Bibi Florina Abdullah, the President of Lincoln University College Malaysia

Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum appreciated Unimus for holding the international seminar that invited speakers from various higher education institutions in ASEAN and the U.S.A. The committee also invited headmasters of senior high schools and vocational high schools under Muhammadiyah as well as other private high schools. “It is useful not only for Unimus but also the high schools to improve the qualities as well as to go international, which will make them more and more excellent. This forum can also stimulate the schools to collaborate with foreign higher education institutions through sister schools or by sending the students to the foreign institutions that will be facilitated by Unimus as the network and representative of the targeted institutions. It is very positive. The school headmasters’ overseas visits with Unimus show Unimus’ attention to the development of primary and secondary education in Central Java and Indonesia in general,” Dr. Kasiyarno explained.

Prof. Peter L. Schneller, Ph.D. from the University of Mount Union USA is delivering some material

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, the Rector of Unimus, stated that Unimus had already collaborated with schools in Central Java, either under Muhammadiyah or other schools (public/private), through internationalization programs. “One of the objectives is to broaden the international insight of the headmasters. Unimus as their partner of internationalization in Central Java has taken with it school headmasters five times, to several foreign institutions, i.e. Dongseo University in South Korea, Hatyai University Thailand and Prince Songkhla University in Thailand, and several higher education institutions in Malaysia and other countries in ASEAN. The most recent visit was to Malaysia with senior high school headmasters in West Sumatra Province and the Education Offices’ heads,” Prof. Masrukhi added. “In the Era of Education 4.0 nowadays, every educational institution should be able to communicate and cooperate internationally in order to improve the school’s quality. As for Unimus, the cooperation between the senior high schools / vocational high schools and Unimus is that Unimus is as continutity higher education institution (for the high schools’ graduates) so that synergy between them is really needed in order to improve the quality of primary, secondary, and higher education,” he concluded.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol

