Semarang |April 30, 2018 420 candidates of graduates from Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) attend Baitul Arqom Purna Studi (BAPS), a post-study training on Islam and Muhammadiyah, in the building hall of Unimus Nursing Research Center. The event is organized by the Institute of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (LSIK) of Unimus. It will be held for 4 days starting from today (April 30) to May 4, 2018. In this period of BAPS, several speakers will take part, including Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. (Rector of Unimus), vice rectors, team members of LSIK, Dr. Joko Setyo Hartono, S.H., M.Kn. (former Vice Rector III of Unimus), representatives of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java such as Prof. Yusuf Suyono and Dr. Rosihan, SH as well as Siti Tarqiyah, M.Ag. (Director of Indonesia Emas, Central Java), as a health practitioner.

Rector of Unimus in the opening ceremony today revealed that BAPS was to equip the graduate candidates with comprehensions of religious values that would be useful for them in the future. “In addition to scientific competencies, social, soft skill, and religious competencies are also important to be owned by Unimus’ graduates in order to become people who can implement Islamic teachings dealing with their professions. BAPS becomes a moment to remember that their success isn’t only related to their intelligences but also because of the Allah’s / God’s mercy, so that gratitude towards it should always be said by each alumni,” the Rector asked. To the graduate candidates, he also advised that proper soft skills should be maintained in the workplace such as good communication, discipline, honesty, being low-profile character, care, patience, and composure. “Not less important is that alumni have to always base their lives on Islamic values. We as human beings have limits and need to be close to God. What we got is not only because of out own efforts but also determined by Allah, God the Al Mighty,” Prof. Masrukhi concluded.

Head of LSIK of Unimus stated that BAPS was obligatory to all graduate candidates. “The event of BAPS will equip the graduate candidates with empowerment of Islamic life and also role and responsibility as the alumni for the development of Unimus and Indonesia in general,” he added. “BAPS gives what graduate candidates need in building their professional and Islamic work attitudes when getting back to the society, in order to make them ready to face changes and dynamics there. The graduates are expected to have proper soft skills for they will immediately work and the users are expected to be happy with their performances,” he ended.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol