Rector of Unimus was accompanied by Chairperson of Primary and Secondary School (Dikdasmen) in Central Board of Muhammadiyah launched OlympicAD

Semarang I (26/10/2019) Thousands of people from many places in Indonesia entered Universitas Muhammadiyah on Saturday (26/10). They participated in 6th National Olympic Achmad Dahlan (OlympicAD) held by Council of Primary and Secondary Education of PP Muhammadiyah in collaboration with Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) on 26-28 October 2019. This competition was centred in campus of Unimus.

On Saturday (27/10) thousand of participants and teachers re-registered themselves in GSG (Multipurpose Building) of Unimus. At that time, the vicinity around Unimus such as GSG parking lot, rectorate, and integrated laboratory building of Unimus was very crowded and full of tents for bazaar and expo. Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd and chairperson of Dikdasmen PWM Central Java, Dr. Iwan Junedi launched OlympicAD and opened education expo and bazaar participated by Muhammadiyah schools and its partnership.]

Chairperson of 6th National OlimpicAD, Rohmat Suprapto, S.Ag., M.Si., was accompanied by Chairperson of Local Committee Unimus, Mifbakhuddin, S.K.M., M.Kes., (Dean of Faculty of Public Health) and member of Council of Primary and Secondary Education of PP Muhammadiyah, Dra. Delmenita stated that these 21 contests were joined by 9.700 participants consisted of 7.300 students of SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/SMK/MA level and 1.445 teachers from 35 provinces in Indonesia. Whereas, there were several contests in this Olympic such as Science, Biology, Chemistry, Arabic, English, MTQ, tapas suci, arts, and so forth.

“Actually, we have another agenda such as international seminar featuring Dr. Liliana Purvin (University of Groningen Netherland), Dr. Agus (Primary and Secondary Education of PP Muhammadiyah) and another speakers from Islamic University of Malaysia. Furthermore, there was National Hospitality entitled “Silaturahmi National” among Dikdasmen PW Muhammadiyah across Indonesia, and also education bazaar and expo. The opening ceremony of OlympicAd was held on Saturday evening (26/10/2019) in Simpang Lima Semarang which coincided by “Jateng Bermunajat dan Gebyar Muktamar” that was officially opened by Governor of Central Java in front of 50.000 participants from 35 Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah in Central Java, and tausiah by Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Prof. Dr. KH Haidar Nasir” explained Rochmat Suprapto.

“There are 21 competitions and each is classified into 3 level category, such as category of SD/MI, SMP/MTs, and SMA/SMK/MA, so total participants are from 5.360 schools of Muhammadiyah from 35 provinces in Indonesia. OlympicAD as the facilitator of silaturahmi, competition, motivation in improving schools quality, comparative study to realise better quality in education” stated Delmentia.

Rector of Unimus said that Unimus had prepared everything for the success of OlimpycAD 2019.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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