Abdi Putra Pamungkas delivered trophy accompanied by Head of BAUK, Rosita Lihasari, S.Sos, M.Si.

Semarang │(25/04/2019) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) hosted Students Sport Week (POM) between Higher Education Institution in LLDIKTI Regional Central Java for Sport Climbing championship. This event was opened by Vice Rector I of Unimus, Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. in sport climbing arena of Unimus on Wednesday(24/4/2019) and participated by 55 university students. On the first day (24/4/2019) match of ‘lead’ and ‘speed’ class was held in Unimus, while ‘builder’ class was conducted in Jati Diri stadion. “Rock climbing encourage sportive and increase discipline character. In another word, joining this competition can build students’  sportive, honesty, and togetherness.” said Vice Rector I.

The committee collaborated with International Federation of Sport Climbing (FPTI) Regional Central Java. Unimus, as the host, successfully achieved two gold medals and  a bronze medal. Two gold medals were presented by Abdi Putra Pamungkas (4th semester student of Electronic Engineering Study Program) first winner in “lead” and “boulder” class. Whereas, bronze medal was presented by Rian Adi Saputra (2nd Semster student of Mechanical Engineering Study Program). Wall climbing is popular in Unimus because several achievement in both national and international sport climbing were achieved by Unimus students. The most popular athlete in Sport climbing is  Aries Susanti Rahayu from Faculty of Economy. Besides, several students from Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture also give contribution
in sport climbing championship.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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