Semarang │ May 31, 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) hosted the opening ceremony of Gerakan Santri Menulis (Writing Santri Movement) entitled “Ramadan Journalistic Workshop” in collaboration with Suara Merdeka. Held at Unimus, the event was the opening of 15 safaris organized by Suara Merdeka. Similar events will be held in 15 different locations in Central Java Province aiming at stimulating the emergence of new authors from young generations and santri. The opening ceremony coincided with the fifth day of Ramadan, 1438 H. Several important figures from the government attended the event, such as the Deputy Mayor of Semarang City (Hj. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu), Editor in Chief of Suara Merdeka (H. Hendro Basuki, S.E., M.M.), CEO of Suara Merdeka Network (Kukrit Suryo Wicaksono, M.B.A.), Division Head of Islam, Zakat, and Waqf, the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ Regional Office of Central Java (Drs. Muh Sa’idun, M.Ag.). The Deputy Mayor of Semarang City also gave a greeting speech, representing the Mayor. The event was officially opened by the Deputy Major by banging a gong, accompanied by the CEO of Suara Merdeka, Rector of Unimus, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ Division Head.

Rector of Unimus in his greeting stated that through the event, participants were expected to be capable of writing some works either the popular or scientific ones. Meanwhile, the CEO of Suara Merdeka Network said that the nation’s advancement began with the intelligence of the young generations. “How’s young generations’ intelligence starts from? Well, from the hobby of reading, and it starts from the hobby of writing.” added Kukrit. The Division Head from the Ministry of Religious Affairs also gave statement, stating that in the Koran, Surah Al-Alaq, Ayah 1-5 and Surah Al-Qalam Ayah 68, it is stated that it is pen that educates next generations. Thus, if young generations wants to bequeath great ideas to the following generations, they have to write. Meanwhile, the Deputy Mayor, nicknamed Mbak Ita expressed her appreciation toward the event, stating that it would create young generations good at writing. She also gave appreciation to the contribution of Unimus that had succeeded the positive event. “It is not the first time that I visit Unimus. Prior to becoming a Deputy Mayor, I have visited this place so that I’ve already felt close to Unimus. Unimus has developed rapidly and always had the synergy with the government of Semarang City, which is I appreciate so much” added she.

An MoU signing ceremony between Suara Merdeka, Unimus, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ Regional Office of Central Java was also held on that occasion. Suara Merdeka was represented by the CEO of Suara Merdeka Network, meanwhile, the Ministry of Regional Office by Drs. Muh Saidun, M.Ag. The signing ceremony was witnessed by all of the guests and the deputy major.
The event was participated by 160 participants such as students, college students, santri, and public in general from Semarang City. The guest speakers were senior journalists of Suara Merdeka. The participants were taught about writing techniques in journalistic. They looked enthusiastic, shown by the activeness of the in the discussion. The event was held from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., closed with having iftar together.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and the Student Activity Unit of Communication.