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Rektor menyampaikan arah kebijakan Unimus tahun 2017-2018Semarang │ June, 21, 2017 Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held an annual working meeting (rapat kerja tahunan), attended by the university’s senior leaders, heads of bureaus, deans, heads of technical units and study programs and secretaries of study programs. The meeting was held in two days, from Monday (June 19, 2017) to Tuesday (June 20, 2017). The agenda of the meeting included: 1) Commitment Empowerment; 2) Presentation and Discussion about the Policy and Strategic Direction of the Rector; 3) Presentation and Discussion of Developments in Field I-III by the Vice Rectors; and 4). Presentation and Discussion about Institutional and Faculties’ Developments at Unimus. The meeting was officially opened by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus.

Dari Kiri: Wakil Rektor I Unimus dalam sesi diskusi tentang Pengembangan akademik menuju World Class UniversityThe rector stated that, “With Allah’s permission, we need to be grateful for all Unimus’ achievement. It shows a synergistic performance either of the leaders or the rest of academicians at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang”.

On the first day, the first activity to do was a material presentation by Drs. Wahyudi, M.Pd., the head of Unimus Daily Advisory Board, about empowering the commitment of the senior leaders and academicians. He stated that working based on Islamic values was a part of worships. Thus, anyone at Unimus should reckon working at Unimus as worshiping in order to promote Unimus. He said that to build and develop Unimus, professionalism, commitment, and dedication were required, integrated within the work and daily life. “To meet with the commitment is a kind of attitude that can quickly fosters hope and trust between all relations. All academicians Muhammadiyah has to understand that our lives are not a game but to do Allah’s mandate he added.

Peserta Rakerta memperhatikan materi arah dan kebijakan Unimus As an effort to make Unimus be a world-class university, information sharing about academic development towards a world-class University, led by Prof. Dr. Rustono., M.Hum., a professor in Indonesian Language who’s also the Vice Rector I of Unnes. He shared various kinds of information related to the academic development at Unimus, prior to becoming an Islamic world-class university. He explained that the indicators of a world-class university included: high absorb power of the graduates, quality research outputs and technology transfer with high access. “Strategies of internationalization that can be done by Unimus are: 1) creating awareness on the importance of internationalization to the students, staff, and faculties; 2) building commitment integrated in learning, researches, and services of the university; 3) developing a comprehensive plan of the university’s internationalization; 3) applying the aspects of the internationalization strategy and creating academic culture, and 4) giving awards to the faculties and staff” added Prof. Rustono.

The rector in the explanation about policy and strategic direction stated that the priority programs in the academic year 2017-2018 included: (1) Building academic infrastructure and facilities such as finishing the construction of the Oral and Dental Hospital (RSGMP), constructing the Faculty of Medicine’s 7-floor building, planning to build a multipurpose building, Unimus Mart, Unimus Bakery, and Unimus Tirta; (2) Empowering the study programs’ accreditation statuses; (3) Empowering new student enrollment, up to 3000 students; (4) Empowering the synergy between Unimus and Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board; (5) Developing quality human resource, by improving the educational levels and functional positions of the lecturers; (6) Enhancing the graduates’ qualities who are competent and competitive in the international competition, based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values; (7) Empowering the implementation of curriculum based on KKNI and Kemuhammadiyahan; (8) Empowering researches, scientific publications, copyrights, patents, and intellectual property rights, including to have an accredited national journal; (9) Managing and developing study programs and faculties in accordance with the dynamics of people’s needs; (10) Empowering the students’ development through boarding education; (11) Empowering management information system (MIS) that is based on information and communication technology (ICT) towards Decision Support System (DSS) in roder to manage a transparent, efficient, and accountable organization; (12) Improving the competence, services, and prosperity of the lecturers and educational staff; (13) Empowering international cooperation through developing sister university program; (14) Improving the foreign language skills of the lecturers. The rector also stated that student affairs is one of important targets, with the main target was to improve the quality and quantity of the students achviements, both academically and non-academically. “Sudents are the university’s storefront. If the have lots of achievements, they would be good for the university revealed the rector. The aim of all development of Unimus is to implement one of Muhammadiyah’s objectives, amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar as well as reach the vision of Unimus, which is to become an excellent, distinctive, technology-based, and international-minded university.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.


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