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2.	Rektor Unimus bersam Presiden Dongseo University, Korea usai peresmian Korean CenterUNIMUS ǀ Semarang, May 29, 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) celebrated a Grand Opening of Korean Center. The Korean Center is located in the Integrated Laboratory Building of Unimus. The Rector of Unimus (Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd.) and the President of Dongseo University, Korea (Prof. Dr. Jekuk Chang) togetherly announced officially the opening of the Center. Attending also the Chairperson of the Elementary and Secondary Education Council of Muhammadiyah Executive Board of Central Java (Dr. Iwan Junaidi), the representatives of other universities in Semarang and the headmasters of state and private senior high schools / vocational high schools / Islamic high schools in Central Java, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, and East Java.

1.	Pemotongan Pita sebagai tanda perseminan Korean Center oleh presiden DSU dan Rektor UnimusThe Grand Opening was celebrated by a ribbon cutting ceremony. Rector of Unimus, on that occasion, stated that the Korean Corner (Center) was established as a center of Korean culture and language for students and college students who had willingnesses to study in Korea. “Korean Center will optimally prepare students and college students who want to study in Korea” the Rector added. The president of DSU in his greeting revealed his appreciation for Unimus’ effort in preparing those who wanted to study in Korea through the Korean Center. Prof. Dr. Jekuk Chang also explained that DSU offered a lot of scholarship programs for those who wanted to study there. Meanwhile, the Dean of the International Cooperation at DSU (Prof. Dr. Chan Chung) added that to study in Korea, there were some requirements that needed to meet with, such as goo Korean and Englishlanguage skills. The Korea Center could help them deal with it.

Head of the International Relations Office and Cooperation at Unimus (Muhammad Yusuf, Ph.D.) added that the Korea Center established by Unimus was a follow-up program of the MoU between Unimus and DSU, technically managed by the International Relations Office and the Technical Unit of Language at Unimus. He stated that in the Korean Center, students would be equipped with both Korean and English skills. At the end of the training program, a post-test would be held in order to find out if they’re competent enough in terms of the language skills and cultural understanding ahead of departing to Korea. “The Korean Center will have staff and books from DSU for Korean language and cultural learning for students of high schools and the university who want to study in Korea” revealed Mr. Yusuf.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.


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