Semarang|Unimus (28/09/2018) Higher Education graduates are demanded to have academic knowledge, high thinking order skill, management skill, and communication skill as well. Lack of possessing one skills will absolutely decrease the graduate quality. In addition, qualified graduates are expected to be able to solve the issues in society. That is why, creativity is demanded. In order to make synergy of effective thought, feeling, and skill to solve the problems, there exist Students Creativity Program known as PKM. It is one of program by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education to facilitate students to apply, develop and disseminate any new innovation of knowledge/technology for society. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) in collaboration with Association of Higher Education Institution Leaders (Paguyuban Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi) in Central Java organised PKM proposal writing for students and academic advisers on Friday (28/09/2018).
The Chairperson of Association of Higher Education Institution Leaders, Raharjo Apriatmoko, M.Kep welcomed the participantsThis event was designed to facilitate both students and advisers to be able to draft, design and write creative idea and manifest it to good and qualified PKM proposal. This event was also expected to upgrade lecturers’ knowledge and information about tips and tricks to pass the proposal selection by Dikti and be the champion in National Students Science Week (Pimnas). Workshop was opened by rector of Unimus and presented two outstanding speakers, such as Dr. Tommi Yuniawan, M.Hum from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education and Dr. Eny Winaryati, M.Pd, Dean of FMIPA Unimus. Located in RSGM Hall of Unimus, this workshop was attended by at least 315 participants from 65 state and private higher education institutions around Central Java. In addition, Raharjo Apriatmoko, M.Kep., Vice Rector for Students Affair of Universitas Ngudi Waluyo and the Chairperson of Association of Higher Education Leaders in Central Java.
Dr. Tommi Yuniawan, M.Hum shared the success key of writing qualified PKM proposal to the audienceRaharjo Apriatmoko stated that this activity was one of workplans of Association of Higher Education Leaders in Central Java to enhance the students quality. Meanwhile, Rector of Unimus in his speech explained that PKM is indicator of students’ achievement or parameter to measure University rank. “By writing PKM, students are demanded to design and create qualified piece of writing and develop culture of writing among students. In addition, students are expected to contribute on any solution of society’s issue.” Added the Rector.
Dr. Tommi Yuniawan, M.Hum took picture with the participantsDr. Tommi Yuniawan, the first speaker shared the strategic tips and tips in writing PKM proposal for various existing scheme. “PKM is implementing creative idea that pop up in your mind by considering several evolutive, innovative, sexy, and eye-catching keywords. Anytime we observe something, there must be any creative idea.” Said Dr. Tommi. He also added that in creating good proposal, we have to pay attention to our capability, benefit for others, eye-catching topic, sexy or interesting thing, specific reference/data. Dr. Tommi also said that “Writing PKM proposal is not only about the content, but you have to make sure that you have fulfilled the mechanism or simply say that you refer to the writing guidance. In addition, you have to complete any documents required to get optimal score. Finally the second speaker, Dr. Enny Winaryati discussed about outline of writing PKM proposal and how to find any innovative and creative idea. In the end of the session, several participant who have ever joined Pimnas shared their stories and beautiful yet tough journey to get there
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