Semarang | Unimus (16/02/2019) Tens of participants from various private and state High Schools and five State/Private Universities from 12 regencies/cities in Central Java participated in the selection of 27th National Mathematics Olympiad region Central Java on Saturday (16/02) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. The agenda was organised in 4th floor of NRC Building by FMIPA Unimus Mathematics Students Association (HIMATIKA) in collaboration with UNY Mathematics Students Association. The chairman of the committee, Cholifatul Fatimah (6th Semester student)stated that the selection of National Mathematics Olympiad region Central Java was centred in Unimus. “The participants of the selection are 14 students from 5 universities, 19 students of Senior High School (SMA) and 18 students of Junior High School in Central Java. The selected students will be sent to engage semifinal, and final round in the national level,” she explained. “In this preliminary round, participants are given several problems to be solved both individually and in group for the university students category.” She ended.

Siti Rahmania, the representative from UNY Mathematics Students Association added that any collaboration made between Students Association of both Unimus and UNY has been established for at least 3 years. “Numbers of participants in 2019 reaches 933 participants which means it increases from time to time. National Mathematics Olympiad will select top 50 best participants, 28 participants for the highest score national level, and 22 participants for the highest score from 11 regional in Indonesia” she explained. This agenda themed “Mathematic with Technology to Get Amazing Education” generally aim to select participants to join semifinal round in national level. Besides, this activity is also a medium to promote that mathematics is fun. “We do hope that many students love mathematics,” she ended.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Human Resources and Protocol