Semarang|Unimus accomodated its students to be be religious persons with good character, smart, skilful, creative, innovative, competent and cultured person. In order to facilitate it, Unimus held debate competition to improve graduates and higher education institution quality. In a debating competition entitled “National University Debating Championship (NUDC)”, two kinds of debate will be conducted such as English debating championship and Indonesian Debating Championship (KDMI).
This event was organised for two days on Monday – Tuesday (15-16 April 2019) in Unimus and it was participated by 16 teams of English Debating Championshipa and 15 teams of Indonesian Debating Championship. After participating the the preliminary round, on Tuesday (16/4/2019) English Literature Team was finally won the first champion in the English Debating Championship, while the second place was occupied by Medical Department team, and English education team as the third winner. Whereas, in Indonesian Debating Championship the winners were Medical Department Team, Management Team and team of Public Health Department and Accounting Department. The best speaker of English Debating Championship was achieved by Indira Aura Balqis (Faculty of Medicine) and the best speaker of Indonesian Debating Championship was achieved by Disha Yuniar Rose Santi (Faculty of Medicine). Rosita Lihasari, S.Sos, M.Si, as the Head of BAUK stated that the winners would have such opportunity in representing Unimus to join advanced debating championship in LLDIKTI Regional VI Central Java.
The Champion of Unimus Indonesian Debating Championship from Faculty of Medicine
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol