Semarang | (16/10/2019) In term of research, lecturers are demanded to publish their manuscripts in International Journal. This will surely support quality of the higher education institution which is indicated by the numbers of international publications. One of the efforts of improving the international publication, LPPM of Unimus organised workshop about preparing manuscript for international journal entitled “Strategi Publikasi Menembus Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi”. This agenda was conducted in FK Hall of Unimus and participated by lecturers of Unimus.


This workshop invited Prof. Dr. Wasino, M.Hum (Unnes), as the keynote speaker. The agenda was officially opened by the Head of LPPM, Dr. Dini Cahyandari, MT and moderated by Nasruddin, Ph.D (lecturer of Health Analyst in Unimus). This workshop was aimed at improving international journal (indexed by Scopus) and has high impact factor to support Institutional Accreditation in the future.

Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si., Vice Rector I of Unimus stated that this workshop is the manifestation of strategic steps in realising publication to support accreditation. “This activity is the strategy, of course it needs follow up activity to realise it. Besides assisting the institution for accreditation, publication is also regarded as lecturers’ contribution towards this country.” She explained. Furthermore she also said that international-indexed journals by Indonesia is better than Malaysia in quantity. In the future, it is expected that the quality will follow.


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