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Rektor Unimus beserta PDM Jepara usai penandatangan berita acara penyerahan tanah wakaf.
Rector of Unimus along with PDM of Jepara Regency after Signing the Report of Waqf Land Handover

Semarang │ March 22, 2017 Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., as Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) accompanied by the Vice Rector 1 (Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si.), received the visit of the representatives of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive Board (PDM) of Jepara Regency. The visit dealt with the signing ceremony of waqf land handover report which belongs to the Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah. According to the report, it was agreed that the land was handed-over by the PDM Jepara to Unimus. In the 8,910 m2 waqf land, Unimus has planned to build a new campus. The event was used to hand the MoU plan between Unimus and PDM Jepara.

The rector stated that the establishment of campus in Jepara Regency aimed supporting the learning activities of Unimus’ students, besides as a medium for conducting Islamic da’wah and developing Unimus. “In addition to that, Unimus will also open 4 new study programs such as the Master of Public Health, the Master of Nursing, the Master of Applied Science in Medical Laboratory and the Bachelor in Midwifery Profession” stated the rector.

Mr. Rector also stated as a preparatory stage of the campus establishment in Jepara, the university would coordinate with Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board (PP Muhammadiyah) as well as hold some meeting with the university senate and the Daily Advisory Board (BPH), prior to conducting the feasibility study. “Unimus will investigate all potencies that make it possible to each newly-opened study programs relevant to the availability of competent lecturers in Jepara. It is one of Unimus’ efforts to enhance the educational services for the society as well as as a solution to the ban on long distance learning.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol
