Semarang │ April 2, 2017 University of Muhamadiyah Semarang (Unimus) received the visit of SMAN1 Balikpapan on April 1-2, 2017, represented by the Headmaster (Drs. H.Seger Imam Suja’i., M.Pd) and the IT staff (Nafik Doni Agustan, S.T., S.Pd.) to discuss new cooperation dealing with Unimus student admission for high school graduates in East Borneo, which will be held at SMAN 1 Balikpapan. The visit was received by the Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati., M.Si.) representing the rector of Unimus. The Vice Rector I hoped that with the direct visit to Unimus, the team of SMAN 1 would know precisely the condition of Unimus so that they could provide information more clearly to the high school graduates in Balikpapan and East Borneo in general.

The headmaster of SMAN 1 Balikpapan stated that the cooperation is to give very broad opportunities to the graduates of high schools in Balikpapan and East Borneo in general who wanted to go to the university like Unimus by via test at SMAN1 Balikpapan without necessity to go to Unimus directly. “For Unimus, online new student admission using computer based test held at SMAN 1 Balikpapan is something new but has been done by several other higher education institutions based in Java. From now on, it can be a good method to make it easier for high school graduates to study at Unimus“ said the schoolmaster. Starting from April 2017, those from East Borneo who want to study at Unimus don’t need to go to Semarang to take the enrollment exam but just come to SMAN 1 Balikpapan. In addition to the technical meeting related to enrollment, the delegations also visit some campuses of Unimus and have a couple of discussions with some alumni of SMAN 1 Balikpapan studying in the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry, Unimus.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol