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Tim Tapak Suci putra Unimus menerima piala kategori bebas beregu putra
Unimus’ male team of Tapak Suci received a trophy for men’s team freestyle category.

Semarang │ April 3, 2017 Students and the University of Muhamadiyah Semarang (Unimus) received again high achievements in Tapak Suci (a kind of martial arts developed by Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah) and vocal group competitions. The team of Tapak Suci won some trophies in the Tapak Suci National Competition at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta on March 28-April 1, 2017. Totally 3 trophies were won, such as by Sidiq Afandi (Management Program) winning third place in Male F category, Rizal Fajar Rahmawan (Mechanical Engineering program) winning third place in male G category and Agung, Rizal Fajar Rahmawan and Sidiq Afandi (as a team) winning men’s team freestyle category.

Tim  vocal group Unimus ketika menerima bersama panitia lomba
Unimus’ vocal group along with the committee

Meanwhile, in art, the vocal group of Unimus’ Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences won the competition of vocal group held for health and medical-based higher education institutions in Semarang City. The competition was held by Yayasan Farmasi Semarang on April 2, 2017. The group consisted of students from several study programs in the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, such as Riski Marzelly, Resian Dwi Cahyo and Andrian Khafid from Undergraduate Degree in Nursing, Hasan Basri from Diploma III in Nursing, Ika Putri Kuswanti and Ajeng Anindita from Diploma III in Nurtition, Siti Anita N.J. from Diploma III in Midwifery and Hafizah Dara Haqi from Diploma DIV in Health Analyst. During the competition, they were accompanied by the supervisor, Ns. Satria Pranata., M.Kep. The achievements above show how Unimus always support the students to get achievements in both academic and non-academic spheres.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol
