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Pelepasan mahasiswa oleh Wakil Rektor I, Dekan Fikkes, Ketua Progam Studi dan Kepala IRO Unimus
Departure Ceremony Led by the Vice Rector I, and Attended by Dean of Fikkes, Head of Midwifery Program and Head of Unimus IRO

Semarang │ April 26, 2017 Students of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) got involved again in an international event. Most recently, three students of Diploma III in Midwifery, such as Siti Aisyah, Dika Wahyu, dan Tri Yuliani got the opportunity to attend “Student Internship Training Program: Emergency Management System and Perinatal Care” in Taiwan. The departure ceremony was led by the Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati., M.Si.), dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences/FIKKES (Dr. Budi Santosa., M.Si.Med), head of DIII in Midwifery and several senior leaders at Unimus.

The program will take around a month, from April 27 – May 25, 2017. There are also two students from other Muhammadiyah institution who join the program. Success of the students in joining the program in Taipei is the result of selection tests that they have taken since 2015. The training program is held by the Taiwan International Health Care Training Centre (TIHTC) under the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of China (Taiwan). Cooperation between TIHTC in terms of sending students and lecturers for taking short course and training has been started from 2013. Through the event, the students are hoped to learn about the managerial system of emergency and perinatal nursing at the Taipei Hospital, as a part of materials learned in the campus as well as which match with the vision of the study program.

In such a great opportunity, the Vice Rector I gave advice to the students to keep their own culture with them, be discipline and active and do all their obligations as Muslims during their time in Taiwan. “The most important thing is to get knowledge as much as possible, so that after coming back to Indonesia, you can bring useful knowledge and be examples for your juniors so that they are also motivated to join similar programs in the future.” the Vice Rector I added. Dean of Fikkes also give statements, saying that this departure was one of the ways to internalize the credo “Unimus towards the Excellent Quality” and as an effort to take into reality a point in the visions of Unimus: “to be international-minded”.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.


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