Unimus | Medan (December 21, 2017) Students of Universitas Muhamadiyah Semarang (Unimus) have just got national-level achievements in the field of Tapak Suci martial art. They got the achievements in their participation in Higher Education-level Tapak Suci National Championship, held at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara in Medan from December 18 to 21, 2017. They won 3 gold medals and 1 bronze medal in the competition that was attended by 250 participants from 29 institutions in 9 provinces. Ancon Subekti, a student of the Undergraduate Program in Electrical Engineering, won two gold medals in D Class (Kelas D) and Armed Single Art (Seni Tunggal Bersenjata). Another gold medal was won by Mukhamad Saifudin, a student of the Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, in B Class (Kelas B). Meanwhile, the bronze medal was won by Aji Pangestu, a student of the Undergraduate Degree in Accounting, in C Class (Kelas C).

Stated by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus that Tapak Suci at Unimus wasn’t just a sport but also the basis of character building in order to create strong, confident graduates that will be ready to face any kind of challenges. “Through Tapak Suci, character education is built, like responsibility, solidarity, discipline combined with faith and piety” the Rector explained.

On anothe occasion, Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, M.T., the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, stated that achievements in Tapak Suci have been got by Unimus’ students in a lot of competitions. “Achievements that the students have got in sports prove that Unimus always supports the students to get achievements in various fields,” he added.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol