Unimus | Yogyakarta (December 20, 2017) Students of Mathematics Education (S1), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Unimus, have carved out some achievement again. They are Yuli Poncowati, Yumna Azmatu Nadhila, and Luqmanul Hakim, who won competitions in a Mathematics contest namely the “Mathematics Fest: Inovasi Media Pembelajaran Perguruan Tinggi Jateng DIY di Yogyakarta (Mathematics Fest: Higher Education Learning Media Innovations) for students in Central Java and Yogyakarta Provinces, organized by Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta (UPY) some time ago.

Taking place in the campus of UPY, the event was attended by contestants from UGM, UNY, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, UPY, UAD, UII, and etcetera. In that contest, Yuli Poncowati, the team leader of Unimus students, became the runner up for her innovative work “Optimization of the National Examination with ISG (Interactive Smart Games). Abdul Aziz, M.Pd., the supervising lecturer, stated that the student’s innovative work was in form of interactive-learning-based game of junior-high-level and senior-high-level mathematics exercises. “The application off the National Examination Game created by the Mathematics Education students will be useful later to improve the students’ enthusiasm in preparing to take the National Examination enjoyably,” he explained.
In front of 2 judges from higher education institutions and 40 scorers, who were senior high school teachers, the students of Unimus explained the application of the National Examination Game for Junior High School Students”, aimed at making easier and more interesting for students to learn mathematics. “While students usually learn using papers and pens, which is boring, learning with a game will make them feel happy and get easy to learn,” Yuli Poncowati, the team leader explained. “The game contains Junior High School National Examination materials that match with the exam content outline that can be seen in the daily life,” she added. The academic achievement proves that Unimus always supports the students to get achievements in order to create distinctive, excellent, and world-class generations.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol